How to enjoy the Holiday Season as a type 2 Diabetic

What to do if you do not feel particularly festive?
Do you get a bad case of the winter blues this time of year? You're not alone in your feelings. Many people claim that the holidays are equally stressful as they are enjoyable. This sort of sadness, which is brought on by unreasonable expectations, is common around the holidays. However, there are methods to make the season go more smoothly. We are here to share some mindful tips around this topic and help you make the most out of festivities.Â
What would be mindfulness, exactly? Focusing your attention on the present moment with an attitude of non-judgment and appreciation is what mindfulness is all about. It's recognizing when we're thinking about the past or the future and bringing our focus back to the current moment and reality we are actually in.
Mindfulness can be practiced in a structured meditation setting, it can also be done in a non-meditative setting. This can help us to gain perspective and reduce stress. Here are five approaches to how you can use mindfulness and make your holidays brighter.
Embrace imperfection, none of us have the "perfect" Christmas season.
Is it possible for good to be enough? As we prepare for the holidays, we frequently set impossible goals for ourselves, only to be disappointed when our festivities fall short of our expectations.
Recognize that things may not go as planned before you begin planning. It's perfectly OK if it's not flawless. Imperfection is a good and natural state of being. It could just take a little practice for some of us.
Identify your triggers
Determine your emotional triggers as well as the folks that sap your energy before the gathering. This can help you gain a better sense of direction once you enter the room, allowing you to schedule those "bathroom breaks" where you can have a moment for yourself meditating or distracting yourself like messaging a friend.
Don't overlook if a certain friend or group of friends is pushing the Christmas agenda too far for your comfort. Some people "desperately want others to believe they're joyful and okay," so they overcompensate by smiling too much, being overly bubbly, or appearing inauthentically joyful, making the happiness feel fake. Communicate your needs. Keep your presence brief if you can't get out of a dreaded social occasion.
Identify where your happiness is.
Only after you've identified the root of your grief you can hope to discover happiness. Negative emotions serve as guides to help you feel better. Try to ask yourself questions like "Given that I'm experiencing these negative emotions, are there any activities I can do in my situation to make me feel uplifted and happy?"
For instance, if the holidays bring up memories of a deceased family member, consider if it is more comfortable to commemorate that person with a custom you once enjoyed, or to break away from the past. Let's imagine you haven't been invited to any gatherings and are feeling left out. Make your own and invite just individuals you love spending time with or have a work party to boost morale. Reduce stress by focusing on interacting with friends or family rather than sticking to holiday rituals.
It's useful, in our opinion, to attempt to be as clear as possible about why you're experiencing bad feelings. Going to a holiday party would be beneficial if you're depressed because you want to meet friends.
According to research published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, committing acts of kindness activates the central nervous system, brightening not just your day but also the day of others. Donate funds and resources to a homeless shelter, participate in a community kitchen, or buy food for a friend. You never know who you'll meet along the road, or what kind of wonderful emotions you'll encounter.
Kindness is the best response.
You can't control how people act during the Christmas season's pressures, but you can control how you react to them:
- Consider that things don't have to get unpleasant every time you meet a difficult individual. 'This individual is in pain, and that's why they're acting this way,' tell yourself. It will calm your emotions, make you more empathetic, and remind you that it isn't personal.
- Keep in mind that the holidays can be particularly challenging for people who are alone. See if you can do something nice for someone you know who is without family or friends at this time of the year.
- Take a few deep breaths if things with someone become tense. Taking a few deep breaths might help you see things differently
Don't let go of what matters
The holidays may be stressful due to long lines and bad traffic. When you're feeling overwhelmed by the commotion, ask yourself:
- What is the big picture? If you're annoyed by the long shopping queue you're in, keep in mind that it's just that: a long grocery line. Allowing it to ruin your afternoon is not a good idea.
- Is it possible for me to accept this dissatisfaction as a chance to reflect? Think of the nice things that have happened today or the things you are thankful for as the cashier rings up the customers ahead of you.
- Can I find a way to make this experience enjoyable, even though it appears to be stressful? Interact with somebody in line with praise or a kind gesture, or look around with a new perspective and an open mind to see what's going on around you.
Rethink Your New Year's Resolutions
Traditional New Year's resolutions are certain to fail. Follow these success strategies in the New Year if you want to improve yourself:
Begin small. Over the year, break your objective down into smaller segments. If you want to lose weight, it doesn't have to be extreme. During the first month, try to consume more vegetables and gradually improve your diet.
Be kind to yourself. Let it go if you didn't keep your resolutions from last year or strayed off the road this year. We frequently fabricate stories ('I'll never be able to stop smoking!') that simply add to our misery. With experience, we may recognize our inner critic, let go of the negative, and resume our objectives without feeling guilty or ashamed.
Take Care of Yourself
Although having a special self-care regime doesn’t always completely erase feelings of isolation and sadness, it might help you feel better and enjoy your solitude more. Doing something for yourself, whether it's taking a soothing bath and treating yourself to spa services, curling up with a good book, engaging in a hobby, or learning something new, is a sort of self-care that's extremely crucial during tough periods.
So, if you're having trouble feeling joyful this Holiday season, don't be too hard on yourself. It's not a sign of failure if you don't feel happy, optimistic, or cheerful; it's a perfectly natural reaction. As the year comes to an end, we have the chance to spend some time doing what we really need to recharge, which we all need today more so than ever.
If you're struggling with psychological distress, talk to a doctor about how you're feeling. Getting professional treatment can sometimes be more useful than people think, whether your sentiments are only heightened over the holidays or are ongoing throughout the year.