International Women's Day
By Sara Barulli,
March 08, 2021

Around the world, March 8th celebrates our sisters, our mothers, teachers, friends and daughters. To the Women before us who have challenged Women's Rights, and helped us overcome battles, thank you. To the Women who have paved the way for us in the work force, thank you. To the Women who have always been a shoulder to cry on, thank you. To all the wonderful women around the world, keep doing what you're doing. Your views, your optimism, your passion to never give up has inspired generations before us and the generations to come after. To our Mother's who always let us cry to you, thank you for listening. To our teachers who have patiently taught us and helped shape who we are, thank you! To our friend who always listened happily and offered advice, thank you. We celebrate today to let the Women around the world know they are heard, we are listening, and you do not stand alone. Happy International Women's Day to the Women we love, admire and aspire to be! Being yourself and accepting yourself for who you are, improving your standard of living (advanced glucose support will allow many women who require constant blood sugar monitoring to do so) - that's what this holiday is all about