How does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Diabetes and Marriage problems?

Marriage also called matrimony or wedlock is a culturally recognized union between two people. The word "marriage" derives from Middle English "mariage", which first appears in 1250–1300 CE. This, in turn, is derived from Old French, "marier" (to marry), and ultimately Latin, "marītāre", meaning to provide with a husband or wife. The adjective "marīt-us -a, -um" meaning matrimonial or nuptial could also be used in the masculine form as a noun for "husband" and in the feminine form for "wife". The related word "matrimony" derives from the Old French word "matremoine", which appears around 1300 CE and ultimately derives from Latin "mātrimōnium", which combines the two concepts: "mater" meaning "mother" and the suffix -"monium" signifying action, state, or condition.

This union is tough on its own. We fall in and out of love, even in the best of times. It’s a part of the human experience. And like any successful partnership, the spousal relationship is measurable by the good times and the trying times. Every obstacle you have to face with your partner strengthens the relationship and each other. Having a partner with diabetes is no different. Type 2 diabetes is linked with intimacy issues, like erectile dysfunction or post-menopausal changes in sex drive. This article will show you how living with diabetes does not have to be a roadblock to marital success. 

What are the 5 tips for a happier marriage?

According to research, a partner's support can make a major impact on a patient's diabetes care, just like it can for other chronic illnesses. Partner with diabetes has more confidence in his or her ability to stick to diets and exercise routines, as well as improve general health, with the support and cooperation of a partner. This form of mutual coping improves the quality of the relationship as well.

1. Significance of couples therapy

Diabetes, like any health condition, can wear down even the most stoic of partners. They have to keep updated on new drug treatments, the illness's biological effects, and your day-to-day life and limitations. It is a lot to process. Couples therapy is an effective way to grow closer as a couple. You and your partner will learn to:

  • Communicate more effectively and more frequently;
  • Manage stressors together, as a singular unit;
  • Improve your connection, depending on your perspective and goals.

2. Managing diabetes as a family

As a singular unit, married couples need to work together to manage the symptoms of diabetes. Regardless of whether only one partner is going through diabetes or if both partners do. Managing diabetes and its effects on relationships means knowing, for both you and your partner, how to

  • Schedule regular exercise;
  • Know your blood sugar levels and target vital signs;
  • Know your treatment plans;
  • Stay low-stress;
  • Stay hydrated and consuming a healthy diet.

It is easier to manage diabetes when your partner is supporting you and has a similar lifestyle. For example, a strict diet is more comfortable to follow when both partners eat healthy foods together, rather than if the non-diabetic partner eats fried chicken.  Remember, partners with diabetes may only be able to eat salads and natural fats and may feel left out if you are eating more ‘fun’ junk foods. Try and be empathetic when it comes to what you eat in front of your partner.

3. Save For the Financial Struggles of Diabetes

When married, you and your partner have to support each other financially. The stressors of diabetes can add to the financial burden, depending on your location, health plans, insurance companies, and more. Insulin is not cheap, and your health coverage provider may cover the cost. Knowing that financial struggles are likely, married couples can save up and plan for these times of need to pay future bills, strengthen their connection, and manage diabetes stress when financial issues occur.

4. Significance of the emotional support

Everyone needs emotional support from time to time. Some people need more vocal support, more frequently. That is fine. We are all different, and we all have different emotional needs. Diabetes management, or any long-term health condition, requires patience and understanding. Loving a partner with diabetes means that he or she will have a slightly different lifestyle and may not be able to do certain activities with you, like grabbing a large fruit smoothie after every workout.

5. Practice Open Communication

Life doesn't always go by the plan. Things change, priorities change, and diabetes stressors change. Change is okay and normal. Whether you or your partner have diabetes, you need to remain committed to each other and communicate as much as necessary. Frequently updating your partner regarding your diabetes will mitigate any issues you may encounter, like picking up insulin from the pharmacy or shopping for both of you at a grocery store. Updating your partner might seem like common sense, but this is one of many essential tips to ensure a good connection, even without a diabetes diagnosis. 

How does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Diabetes and Marriage

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Relationships?

The emotional strain of dealing with diabetes can be a real rollercoaster. It can cause stress and anxiety, as well as communication difficulties that can lead to complications. There is also a physical impact on a person, like weight gain and sexual dysfunction.

Can a diabetic man have a healthy baby? Well-controlled diabetes improves sexual health for both men and women. Diabetes in men and women can affect their fertility and their chance of having a baby. The risk of fertility difficulties is reduced with the proper management of diabetes.

Can diabetes cause anger issues? Uncontrolled diabetes causes mood swings and can lead to unpredictable or even aggressive behavior due to variable blood glucose levels. "Diabetes rage" can be harmful because it may involve behavior that a person is not aware of. When a person's blood sugar varies, surges, or dips, it might cause feelings of anger, worry, or melancholy that are out of their control.

Are spouses of patients with type 2 diabetes at increased risk of developing diabetes? Studies are showing that spouses of type 2 diabetes patients have a much higher risk of glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes. They should be classed as people with a high risk of developing diabetes.

How to create a thriving relationship and connection with a spouse that has diabetes?

The combination of diabetes and marriage is not without its highs and lows, but you can get through it together. Does diabetes affect marriage? Yes, of course, but diabetes is just one more adventure you and your partner will share over a lifetime of memories. Are you interested in learning more about how other diabetics approach and challenges? We suggest you join our Winning Type 2 Diabetes Together community to discover new strategies you can use to improve communication and understanding in your relationship.

Reference: Marriage-

How does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Diabetes and Marriage