Curalife's Blog

The latest advice and research for a healthier life
National Random Acts of Kindness Day: three acts of daily kindness

We all know that kindness makes the world go round, but in today’s world it is still often undervalued. Thursday, February 17th is National Random ...

National Almond Day: why is everyone going nuts for almonds?

Almonds have a rich history dating back over 5,000 years.Β  But just in the last decade, the global market for almonds has grown over 30%, and deman...

Frozen Yogurt to Do at Home!
American Heart Month: Modify, Treat, and Control Your Risk Factors
Giving Tuesday: give to yourself when you give to type 2’s!
National Espresso Day: espresso is good news for type 2’s
National Take a Hike Day: get out there with these top tips!
National Stress Awareness Day - monitor and balance your stress
November is National Diabetes Month - Make YOUR Health Plan today!