Curalife's Blog

The latest advice and research for a healthier life
Happy Halloween - Six Spooky Recipes that are Healthy for Type 2’s

Those of us with diabetes can find holiday time challenging with all the special treats and parties! It is hard to maintain our healthy eating rout...

National Cat Day: Why You Should Adopt A Cat

Many studies have shown that having a cat can calm nerves, lower blood pressure, help prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, cancer and chronic ...

National Chocolate Day: chocolate is safe and beneficial for type 2’s
Why are nuts so great for type 2’s?
Eat Better, Eat Together: Why We Should Enjoy Our Meal Together
National Sports Day: Our Top 6 Safest Sports
National Dessert Day: 5 Easy, Classic Fall Desserts Type 2’s
World Mental Health Day: Better Mental Health in 2 Easy Steps
Be your own hero: three behaviors we see in heros