Curalife's Blog

The latest advice and research for a healthier life
Live Chef Cook Along with Chef Elite Jakob

We asked chef Elite Jakob to host a special webinar for our Winning Type 2 Diabetes Together Facebook group! She cooked two diabetic-friendly deli...

National Trail Mix Day: Mix it up on or off the trails

Trial mix, the hikers companion since the 1910’s. Trail mix is a combination of dried fruit, grains, nuts, and sometimes chocolate, developed as a ...

Be β€œBeach Boys” and Girls: National Beach Day
4 Reasons for Type 2’s to Love Lemon
National I Love My Feet Day: 6 tips for happier feet
Watermelon Day: high GI, kiss watermelon goodbye?
National Avocado Day - Healthy Fat and Healthy Weight
National Ice Cream Day
National Hydration Day: Make it a summer of water!