Curalife's Blog

The latest advice and research for a healthier life
Is Coffee Good or Not for Type 2’s?

It’s International Coffee Day and getting a caffeine fix from coffee is a daily ritual for many of us. In fact, 2.25 billion cups of coffee are con...

How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes With Meditation

Did you know that stress can directly contribute to higher glucose levels? Physical and mental stress is an unfortunate part of everyday life, but ...

Top 8 Gadgets to Help Manage Diabetes Type 2
The Best Diabetes Management Apps of 2022
5 Summer Recipes for Type 2 Diabetics
5 Summer Activities to Help Manage Diabetes and Control Blood Sugar Levels
What Causes Diabetes Tiredness and Fatigue?
Best Liquid Foods to Control Diabetes Type 2
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Managed With Diet and Exercise?